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Richard Abbott
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There is an enormous amount of academic interest in the whole spectrum
of issues surrounding the emergence of the Israelites as the dominant force in the hill
country of Canaan, approaching the matter from many different angles, including
studies in archaeology, biblical studies, comparative literature, sociology, climate and
vegetation changes, and so on.
The range of opinions as to when this happened is very wide. There is
general agreement that by about 900 BCE or so, the Israelites had established themselves
securely. One view holds that their arrival was as long ago as before 1400 BCE, with a
long period of settlement and acclimatisation. Towards the other extreme, some hold that
there was no real ‘arrival’ as such, but rather some existing groups in the
region crystallised slowly into a kingdom. Personally I prefer a middle ground, with a
definite arrival around 1200 BCE, but including a complicated process of settlement
with military action, political alliance and social interaction as factors.
My own chosen field of study here has been to explore how the earliest
writings in the Hebrew bible were influenced by prose and poetry being written in
Egypt and elsewhere. A preliminary article called
Forked Parallelism in Egyptian, Ugaritic and Hebrew Poetry
was published in 2011 in
Tyndale Bulletin 62.1 (2011) pp41-64. The final PhD thesis that came out of this,
Triumphal accounts in Hebrew and Egyptian - a structural and literary comparison
was accepted by the University of Bristol examinations board at the end of 2011, and
has now been published by
Publications. Currently it is available in kindle format only from Amazon stores.